Friendship Fighting Contract
If, like me, you can't handle another fight with your friend this year, here is a legally binding friendship agreement. All future disputes require a third-party judge to decide who apologizes first.
Dear Client,
Friendship is a legally binding agreement. Please find the terms and conditions below.
Co-Rumination, Stalking, Encouragement, Location Tracking, and All Voo-Doo Doll Activity.
Person A agrees to provide upwards of 152 years of hearing about your exes. If a marriage was not present, the amount of permissible rehashing and reimagining of "what-if" scenarios will be determined based on the number of years spent together. In friendship law, any non-married relationship lasting over five years is considered common-law and thus qualifies for advanced nostalgia privileges, obsessive discussions, and all necessary voo-doo activities.
In the event that a marriage—or a child—was present at any time, unlimited access will be granted to trauma debriefings, psychological assessments of ex-in-laws, and analysis of red flags ignored in real-time.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If a disgruntled ex exists—married or unmarried—location services must be turned on and shared at all times. I repeat: MUST BE TURNED ON AND SHARED AT ALL TIMES.
Co-Rumination Clause:
The following scale determines the duration of talking-about-your-ex allowances:
0-1 month: Please, for the love of God.
1-3 months: 3-6 months max (failure-to-launch trauma applies).
3-9 months: 1 year.
1-2 years: 2 years.
2-3 years: 5 years.
3-4 years: 7 years.
5+ years, marriage of any length, and presence of a child: Lifetime Access Granted.
Stalking Clause:
Person A may request Person B to check their ex’s social media under the following conditions:
Screenshot requests are unlimited (within reason and discretion).
If Person A asks to use Person B’s account to stalk their ex, this is limited to a 5x per year max.
If Person A exceeds this 5-time max, Person B is required by friendship law to change her password.
We are not in the business of enabling compulsion, ladies. Beyond five times, you need a burner—not a best friend.
Encouragement Clause:
Encouragement must be provided permanently and without hesitation unless aiding and abetting a full-blown personality disorder.
However, when asked "Am I prettier than her?" the only legally acceptable response is YES.
Failure to comply is punishable by up to 3 years in friendship prison.
Location Tracking Clause:
For the third and final time:
If a disgruntled ex exists—location services must be turned on.
If no ex is present, location tracking can be shared at will.
If location is abruptly turned off after an agreement to share, data suggests a fight is imminent, and the party who removed tracking is cited for petty behavior.
If location services are removed during an active fight, friendship services will be canceled free of charge.
All active voo-doo doll activity will be redirected at the person who turned off location tracking.
Voo-Doo Activity Clause:
Friendship requires shared enemies. Voo-doo dolls exist to uphold these allegiances.
If either party is an actual witch, all voo-doo activity must be monitored by a 3rd Party Witches & Warlock Committee.
1 fight of varying sound octaves is permissible per year.
If a second fight occurs within the same calendar year, a third party mediator must be enlisted.
If a fight lasts longer than 1 month, white flag texts and/or emails must be sent.
Friendships in dormancy may transition into enemy territory if the following occur:
You publicly talk shit about each other on the internet.
You fuck each other's exes.
You become best friends with the other person’s ex-best friend.
All active friendships—regardless of quality—will be TERMINATED IMMEDIATELY upon fucking your friend’s boyfriend or husband.
Person A: ____________________
Person B: ____________________
HAH this is great Alexa. Very shouts & murmors.
Also makes you wonder if similar type agreements or event specific ( IE bachelor/bachelorette party) agreements actually exist out in the wide world. Thinking yes...